Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wheeling and Dealing

Last week I convinced myself that Phinneus had a URI (upper respiratory infection) because he stopped wheeling. The evidence of this, of course, was the distinct lack of filth usually left behind on the wheel, which also serves as his toilet. Phin stopped wheeling from Friday to Monday, and I was quite worried. Why a URI of all things? Because his breathing sounded a little more scummy than usual, like when someone has a lot of gunk in their lungs. However, his breathing didn't seem to get worse and his water and food intake remained the same. I discovered a disgusting pile of poo in the corner, so I knew he wasn't back up. What then was the problem? My next thought was the wheel. I wondered if I hadn't rinsed it properly and he could smell some residue soap which was bothering him. I rinsed and re-rinsed the wheel, but that didn't do the trick, so then I started adjusting the angle of the wheel. Still nothing.
Finally I realized what was the likely culprit. Not a URI, not soap scum; nails. Matt and I had both noticed that when he was out for floor time his nails kept getting stuck in the carpet. I keep a pretty watchful eye on his back toenails because they get long fast, but I guess I had forgotten to check his front nails and they had become much too long, which caused him discomfort when he wheeled, hence the no wheeling. But a problem discovered is not a problem solved. I tried to trim Phin's nails, but he became extremely sensitive to the area and would ball up and put up a great fuss each time I tried. I am much too afraid of hurting him to get the job done, I guess, because Matt waited until I was in class and then got down to business on Phinneus. When I returned Phin's nails were neat and trim and Matt said only, "I wasn't very gentle."
Now Phinneus wheels and deals and I don't mind scrubbing his filthy wheel every day because I am grateful that there wasn't a more serious problem. Good thing Matt is willing to lay down the law! Maybe I will just stick to spoiling my little hedgepiggy and leave the dirty work to him...

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