Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hedgehog Signaling

My illustrious father attended some kind of class pertaining to work this past weekend (he works for Aurora Healthcare) and learned an interesting fact. Apparently there are something like 63 genes that need to switch on and off in order to create pancreatic cancer (ugh!) and this syndrome of gene switching is called "hedgehog signalling". What the heck science?! Trying to pin such a nasty disease on an innocent little animal?! Not to mention the fact that I don't understand what they mean by "signalling". Do hedgehogs signal? Is it the way they raise and lower their quills. I am at a loss. And frankly, I would much rather name the syndrome after a much less pleasant creature, like chimpanzees or baboons.


  1. Hi there, my name is Jackie (I hate introducing myself like this, its so... cliche' and bland) anyway, I just found your blog and I think it is adorable! I want a Hedgehog myself and was wondering if you could check my website and see if any information is wrong and or needs to be added? The website is http://hedgie-central.webs.com/
    Thanks so much! I'll be checking this blog more often :D

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