Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What A Blustery Month

Well after returning from my theatre trip I found my hedgehog in perfect health. His wheeling hasn't been as consistant since December, but I am not worried. He had the round of antibiotics, a good heartbeat, and he still eats, drinks, and emits waste like a fiend. Currently he is suggled in his hedgie bag, but that will change soon enough when I come over for cuddles. My mother, his grannie, made him some beautiful new fleece liners which I am eager to try out. His cage is due for another cleaning in the next day or so.

In other news, I have applied for a job as an animal caretaker at Shelter from the Storm. I'm a long shot because of my hours and lack of professional experience, but I tried to impart how badly I want to care for critters on my resume and application. I even included that I have knowledge of hedgehogs, among other animals. I am sure the job will go to some aspiring vet or zookeeper, but I can still have hope, right? I'll let you know how it goes.

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