Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Hedgie Post in Africa

Hello hegdehog followers! This is my first post from Botswana (although not my first blog post overall. Check out my Africa blog here). I have been keeping my eyes open for hedgies, but I haven't seen any wild one yet :( I guess this isn't really suprising as they are probably all out hiding in the bush from the intense sun. Have I mentioned that the sun is about ten times brighter and hotter than at home in the US? Well it is. I have, however, seen a stuffed hedgehog on display at the Botswana National Museum, and seen some gorgeous hedgie artwork.
I am really missing my quilly little critter! Matt has been taking excellent care of him- maybe even pampering him too much as he is getting fatter! Sometimes when we are chatting on skype Phin appears for a visit. Last time Matt was attempting to trim Phin's nails- and not being very successful- and Luis the inquisitive kitten was supervising. I miss those cozy little scenes! I miss all my critters, but luckily Matt shares airtime with the pets in Madison.
I have been spending more and more time on HHC again after a hiatus. It's great to reconnect with fellow hedgehog fanatics while I am so far away. They always make me feel better about missing Phinneus. Plus, I love looking at all the cute photos people post.
Tattoos in Botswana are not very common. I have one local friend who does have some (and they are quite tasteful and elegant) but we are definitely in the majority. Sometimes people spot my hedgie tattoo and they are pleasantly surprised. They usually smile shyly and then laugh a little. That's about all the hedgehog related news I have here in Botswana. As you can probably guess my posts will be much fewer while I am here. For news and updates check out the link above for my Africa blog. It's called There and Back Again: Africa.

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