Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Phinneus is such a funny creature. He is very secretive (he thinks he is, anyway) about his nighttime activities. He doesn't like for anyone to see him wheeling, he hides when the lights turn on, and he scuttles for the safety of his blankets when you catch him eating. However, lately I have caught him out and about tending to his business in the daylight. I often hear his loud crunching and when I come in to investigate he is cool as a cucumber. He still doesn't like to be caught wheeling, but maybe as his grows and changes his habits are changing too. He has grown into an extremely mild mannered and curious little hog. He rarely balls up and he is always up for rootling around and finding objects to anoint with when given the chance. His weight stays constant and in a healthy range. His appetite, while limited to only the kibble he likes and mealworms, is also healthy. Yes, Phinneus is a hog in his prime. He's just a little weirdo.

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