Saturday, May 7, 2011

Two Households, Both Alike in Dignity

Haha, okay this is not Romeo + Juliet, there are no tragic lovers involved in today's post, and nobody is drinking poison. BUT there are two households; Phinneus has two households he could end up in while I am in Africa, to be exact. As I type, Little Man is settling down in a fleece blankie after and exciting quarter of an hour of running around as I clean and pack up my school-year residence. He was good and didn't poop in a inconvenient patch of carpet for once. His wheel was absolutely disgusting- clean one night usually means the next is extra terrible- and his fleece shows the evidence of a full night of chomping, pooping, and scooting. Hedgehogs are not like other small pets, they require a little extra TLC to keep them in good working order. Phinneus needs his clean blankies, a clean tank, daily food and water changes, daily wheel cleans, and daily snuggles. A bit more than little Pherb the hamster, or Renn and Raven the gerbil sisters require. Still, the work isn't bad and the reward of having a sweet little hedgehog companion on your life is more than enough. So who is willing to take my little hoglet in for a few months? We will find out soon. For now he is still in my care to coddle and generally make a fuss over.

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