I was cruising Craigslist in the pet section, per usual (Looking for some Beta tapes? I am selling some on CL right now. There, that's my shameless plug) when I saw an ad from a woman looking for a young person, preferably female, to trim her guinea pig's nails. Voila, that's me! I have raised four guinea pigs and a hedgehog. Nails, I can do nails. But...it took me a long time to get comfortable trimming my pets' toenails; everyone is afraid of cutting the quick and making them bleed. It happens to everyone at some point, and let's face it, it happens more than once, but it still makes you feel like a horrible animal abuser when it happens. In order to help spread the word about responsible and painless nail trimming I am writing about it here. If you've been following this blog you will have read about my trials and tribulations concerning Phin's nails. Here is what I have learned about hedgehogs and trimmings.
First, you might want to know when it is time to trim you hedgie's nails. Every critter will have a different interval for trimmings, so just keep an eye on their feet. Determining just when is the right time to cut is a judgement call- definitely make sure your hedgie doesn't end up like the one in the photo below. The second photo is a less extreme example, but still, don't let the nails go for too long. A hedgehog's nails are an opaque sort of white and you can see the pink quick. There shouldn't be too much white nails extending beyond the quick. Sometimes you hedgehog will let you know when her nails are too long by ceasing to wheel or to run around. It becomes painful for her to walk on long nails, so she becomes sedentary.

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