Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Here We Are Again, Naturally

Phinneus, Porthos, and I have moved back to the apartment with Matt and everyone is settling back into the routine. Sometimes Phin gets finicky (more than his usual quirks, that it) and decides that for some reason he doesn't want to wheel when he is in the apartment. Last night this appeared not to be a problem, however. He lived with my parents from October till January, which is the longest stint he's had their. It must be something like a 'country estate' for him.

During the four and a half months I was in Africa Phin must have forgotten me/decided I was not coming back because he doesn't respond to me like he used to. He is one big ball of hisses and quills. I think it's going to take a lot of treats and lap time to win him back.

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