School has started up again- which is weird after being in Africa- and after I get home from classes I start my "farm chores". The soft fur rat (D'Artagnan) and the gerbils usually only need a small scattering of seeds and whatever small cardboard boxes or toilet paper tubes are laying around. They are low maintenance, yay! Phinneus needs his wheel cleaned, his water dumped and refilled, and sometimes both dishes need to be scrubbed to remove his poopy paw prints. His food only needs to be refilled every couple of days. Since I returned he and I have been waging a silent war of attrition where he eats everything except his Katz-n-Flocken kibble and refuse to give him fresh food until he at least eats most of it. That means that every 2-3 days he is down to nothing but Katz-n-Flocken and I imagine that leads to some frustrating dining experiences for him. If Phin needs a lot of care, so does Porthos, the half-flemish giant rabbit. Every morning when I wake up and let him out of his cage I give him fresh hay and pellets, as well as refilling his water bottle. His little box gets smelly fast, but I don't mind this very much as it is just such a relief to have an animal besides the cat who is littler trained. Porthos can be a pesk; for example, a moment ago he was nibbling the computer and me and trying to walk across the keyboard. He is too cute and snuggly to stay made at for long though. I think he knows this and uses it to his advantage...
So yeah, I live on a farm. Oh, and Matt takes care of the cat and assorted aquariums.