Phinneus has been living in his C&C cage at Matt's since the weekend. This cage is much more spacious (even though it is only a temporary home) and has room for the igloo, PVC pipe, Carolina Storm Wheel, food and water dishes, and litter pan with room to spare. I have the CHE hooked up and towels wrapped around the outside of the cage to contain heat, as the room Phin is in gets pretty chilly. The problem is this: Phinneus hasn't wheeled since before we moved him. I checked his "vital signs" so to speak; food and water intake, excrement levels, interest in treats...all fine. He also doesn't seem to have any mobility issues. However he always crawls under the liner in the exact same spot, and from what I can tell, remains there except for when I pull him out for cuddles, and when he emerges to feed and drink from his dishes. I checked his nails, thinking perhaps they were too long for his comfort. Trimmed them. No reaction. Last night I pulled him out and put him in the kitchen to explore and get some exercise. He was zooming around like a tiny quilly jet engine! No lack of energy there. He had a healthy appetite for treats (mealworms) afterwards too. Now I wonder if perhaps the light leaking in through the blinds from the street lamps outside is bothering him? More experiments shall continue.
Also, since Thanksgiving is approaching, Matt and I will be making the rounds to family get-togethers. This means Matt, Phinneus, Pherb, and myself will be going back to my home (roughly 90 miles away) so that means a long car trip for the critters. Luckily both Phinneus and Pherb are good travelers, being contained and quiet animals. The cat, along with the other odd assorted animals Matt and I possess, will remain at Matt's place and be checked on by his parents.