The speech is on how [wild] hedgehogs and humans have interacted through the centuries. I mention pet hedgehogs only once, and that briefly at the end. I also wrote a small plug for proper care of said pets, so that people don't get the idea to go buy one on a whim. I *may* add a photo of Phinneus at the end of my slideshow. After all, how could I resist? Who wouldn't want to see his face?
Life with a hedgehog? What could be better? Well here's the catch, as with anything worthwhile in life there are ups and downs being a hedgie owner, but in the end it is completely worth it. This blog was created to share my thoughts, joys, and frustration with keeping one of these prickly pets.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I haven't posted for a few days because I have been outrageously busy (not a hard thing to be, for a college student) and I am currently preparing to give an informative speech on hedgehogs tomorrow for my speech class. I have stressed about this for a while now. Speaking in front of people doesn't fash me as much as dealing with all those gosh darn picky details that go with the assignment and can knock a perfectly good presentation down to a lower grade.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I Like Cuddles
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wheeling and Dealing
Last week I convinced myself that Phinneus had a URI (upper respiratory infection) because he stopped wheeling. The evidence of this, of course, was the distinct lack of filth usually left behind on the wheel, which also serves as his toilet. Phin stopped wheeling from Friday to Monday, and I was quite worried. Why a URI of all things? Because his breathing sounded a little more scummy than usual, like when someone has a lot of gunk in their lungs. However, his breathing didn't seem to get worse and his water and food intake remained the same. I discovered a disgusting pile of poo in the corner, so I knew he wasn't back up. What then was the problem? My next thought was the wheel. I wondered if I hadn't rinsed it properly and he could smell some residue soap which was bothering him. I rinsed and re-rinsed the wheel, but that didn't do the trick, so then I started adjusting the angle of the wheel. Still nothing.
Finally I realized what was the likely culprit. Not a URI, not soap scum; nails. Matt and I had both noticed that when he was out for floor time his nails kept getting stuck in the carpet. I keep a pretty watchful eye on his back toenails because they get long fast, but I guess I had forgotten to check his front nails and they had become much too long, which caused him discomfort when he wheeled, hence the no wheeling. But a problem discovered is not a problem solved. I tried to trim Phin's nails, but he became extremely sensitive to the area and would ball up and put up a great fuss each time I tried. I am much too afraid of hurting him to get the job done, I guess, because Matt waited until I was in class and then got down to business on Phinneus. When I returned Phin's nails were neat and trim and Matt said only, "I wasn't very gentle."
Now Phinneus wheels and deals and I don't mind scrubbing his filthy wheel every day because I am grateful that there wasn't a more serious problem. Good thing Matt is willing to lay down the law! Maybe I will just stick to spoiling my little hedgepiggy and leave the dirty work to him...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Story Submission
A week or two ago I submitted a story I wrote to the Hedgehog Welfare Society newsletter. Yesterday I got conformation that they are going to run it in the November/December issue! I have some changes to make, and I have asked my extremely talented artistic friend Kelsey to sketch a few illustrations. Be sure to check out the newsletter! Here is a link. You can subscribe to the newsletter for a small fee, or read it online for no cost. It is full of interesting articles, anecdotes, and art work.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Everybody Loves Chocolate
I don't know why it took me so long to ask the experts at HHC what Phinneus's official color was, but I finally did. I have been curious for a while, and I scanned the color guide they have, but for the life of me I just couldn't figure it out. So here's the verdict: Phinneus is an Algerian chocolate pinto. I had a beloved dog once named chocolate seems to be a reoccurring theme in my pets :)
Now to a new topic. In yet another confirmed act of weirdness, Phinneus loves to eat masking tape. When he has floor time he inevitably goes over to Pherb's cage, which has a piece of masking tape on it from when I originally bought it at a garage sale. On the other side were two pieces of tape which I used to securing close the lid on Pherb's exercise ball. Phin always sniffs out the masking tape and begins licking, and if I don't notice and stop him in time, goes on to chew on it. Luckily I usually catch him, but he's a persistent little guy. Why? Why masking tape? As usually I am left to the conclusion that my darling little hedgehog is just a weirdo.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Trials and Tribulations
Today was cleaning day for Phin's cage. I removed everything and was preparing to rinse the inside of the bin to remove smells, urine, and pieces of litter. I suddenly had a "great" idea. Why not add some Listerine mouthwash to the water in the squirt bottle I use? It would be extra cleaning and germ killing power without being too full of chemicals. Well it turns out that Listerine leaves behind a strong smell that multiple scrubbings do not remove. I thought of leaving the tub to air out...but it would have taken far too long, and I couldn't expect Phin to stay asleep in his towel forever. So I ended putting the tub in the shower and rinsing it thoroughly, and then drying it. The moral of this story is: Use water and soap! Don't get ideas!
I gave the wheel the same treatment, without any unexpected complications, and now all is well again. If only Phinneus understood what goes into creating a happy, clean, and fresh environment for him...
This is a story that has nothing to do with cleaning. I dreamt that the little albino hedgie girl I saw (and became attached to) at a pet store had given birth to five or so tiny babies. In her cramped and smelly cage were two bigs males! Needless to say I rushed to the store clerk and warned him about the dangers posed to mom and babies, and that if the two males weren't moved and mom put into isolation the babies would be eaten. I was laughed at and turned away. I felt horrible when I woke up. What if this really happens? I am going to go to that pet store ASAP and see if the albino girl is even still there. Somehow I need to be reassured that there aren't headless babies lying around a distraught mother.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Hedgehog Welfare Society
The Hedgehog Welfare Society has officially welcomed me as a new member! They sent me a welcoming letter (with color photos!) and the best part, a laminated card proclaiming me as a member of HWS. I can't wait till I find a reason to pull it out and show somebody.
Phinneus is currently sleeping in my lap (he had an eventful visit from his grandmother today) and I'm sure that deep down he is excited.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Cuddle Sessions Are Bonding Sessions
The most important thing you can do to have the best pet relationship with you hedgie (besides cleaning and feeding) is to cuddle him. Every night I scoop Phinneus out and coax him out of his ball. Then we spend time cuddling, exploring, or watch movies together. I have a towel set aside just for him that he recognizes by scent and which he can crawl in and fall asleep. This allows me to have him with me, but stationary, so that I can shift and move while on the computer, watching movies, etc.
Hedgehogs like to smell things, and they are much happier when they recognize what they smell. That's why it's important to have a towel Phin knows, or some fleece in his travel cage that he feels comfortable with.
Bonding may take a long time, or it may not. I was lucky, and Phinneus warmed up fairly quickly. He is a little explorer most of the time, but some nights he just likes to crawl into the crook of my arm and settle down for a snooze. Being in my lap is another favorite of his, and so buried deep in the towel and firmly wedged in my lap is where he is usually to be found during our movie watching nights. It is just so very pleasant to watch scary movies with a cute little critter next to you. It reminds me how lucky I am to be out here while those poor people are in that movie.
On a final note, Phinneus took to his new CSW with no trouble whatsover. It is covered in poo each morning :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Arrival of the Long Awaited Carolina Storm Wheel
Today the mail brought me some glorious (and some rather mundane) things! The mundane was a textbook, but that's not the point. I received the Carolina Storm Wheel from a generous individual who sold it to me for a good price because she no longer needed it. The wheels are handmade by Larry of Carolina Storm hedgehogs. Here is a link to the page with the wheel. The rest of his site it interesting too, and he is a great breeder.
This wheel is not only silent it is completely adjustable in terms of height and angle. I put Phin on it briefly just to introduce him to it...and he promptly fell off. Hopefully tonight he will explore it and work up the nerve to try it. The thing is, it's so silent I won't know if he's actually on it or not! I guess the only sure way to tell is if it is covered in poo in the morning. Poo Poo Kachoo.
Monday, September 6, 2010
New Things!
Going home this past weekend turned out to be akin to Christmas for Phinneus. Yay, his first Christmas! September. My mother made him a tent/pouch out of fleece scraps and eight tidy fleece liners. I am going to install the first of these tomorrow! Okay, so this may be more exciting for me than for him, but that's because it makes my life easier (cleaning will go so much more smoothly and efficiently) and I get to scoop him up in the pouch!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Hog Interrupted
In earlier posts I have mentioned how finicky Phin is about his night time conditions. He will not wheel if there is sound or any light. Apparently he will also not wheel if he feels he has been interrupted during his routine. Last night Matt was up in the wee hours of the morning tending to his fish tank, which took him in and out of the bathroom. Phinneus was not pleased and is staging a boycott of his wheel. Clean wheel today...but undoubtedly an extra messy and disgusting one tomorrow. Ugh.
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